The newest compilation CD of Bonzo Dog Band. All tracks are digitally remastered again by Neil himself.
Oddly enough, this album exists two designs of cover booklet, each release from different label...I don't know why it' so.
First issue by "Right" label which cover is drawn by Neil's son Luke. And it featured especially Vivian Stanshall.
As for song listing, absolutely Vivian is spotlighted on "Right" issue.
Next issue is released by Sanctuary (Castle) label.  Basically same as "Right" version except designs.
On Sanctuary issue, particularly no one is  featured. That's like Bonzo album!


Right issue
Release Date: 7 February  2000
CD: UK/ Right Right010
Sanctuary (Castle) issue
Release Date: 21 May  2001
Sanctuary CMRCD 199

8 page cover booklet

12 page cover booklet

Common song listing

1. Cool Britannia
2. I'm the urban spaceman
3. Intro and the outro
4. Look at me I'm wonderful
5. Canyons of your mind
6. Shirt
7. Big shot
8. Hunting tigers
9. Sound of music
10. Ready mades
11. Hello Mabel
12. Tubas in the moonlight
13. Mr Slater's parrot
14. We were wrong
15. Labio dental fricative
16. Straight from my heart
17. Busted
18. Rusty
19. Don't get me wrong
20. Slush
21. Rhinocratic oaths